Livin Up Life 
Founder Mitsuyo
Created thoughtful, consistent online and offline brand design.  Developing a product for web, mobile app, email, and social media for awareness / identity for client organization.
Kooks Kustom
Improved brand growth / awareness by creating a digital logo for founder of Kooks Kustoms Professional Auto Care. The founder is a active duty United States military Army soldier who has a passion for creating custom body designs as well auto care.  I was able to successfully able to created and represent him as a designer and an individual who loves cars. ​​​​​​​
Eighth Army Anniversary Logo
The event is the Anniversary of a long form unified relationship between Unites Army and South Korean armed forces. This logo would be part of the brand to be show case on banners, and merchandize.
For pdf portfolio please contact me 
Brochure Design for Girls to Women 
Girls to Women is an after school all girls program located in East Palo Alto, Ca
Booklet Design 
Brochure and Poster Design for Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Programs used were Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.  Successfully was able to print 20 copies and distributed to the school of Phillips English School in South Korea. I summarized and edited so students could use it to identify english words they were not familiar with and help them in their learning education. 

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