I have developed an application called myCloset. For the design aspect of the application, I utilized Adobe Creative Suite, specifically Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. As for the development process, I employed HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript, React, Django, APIs, and PostgreSQL, while incorporating Bootstrap for styling.
About the app: myCloset allows users to log in and manage their virtual closets by adding, editing, deleting, and viewing items. This shared app accommodates multiple users, enabling families to collectively monitor clothing items, locate missing pieces, and identify needed purchases.
In the video demo provided below, a user establishes a unique login by generating a username and password. This login information is securely stored, granting the user access to their virtual closet upon subsequent website visits. Within their virtual closet, users can perform actions like adding new items, making edits, viewing contents, or removing entries.
I am continuously enhancing this application by introducing additional features and addressing any detected issues. Please proceed to scroll down to observe the progression of my design process.
Included is a brief demonstration showcasing the current appearance and functionality of my app.
I initiated the process by crafting a wireframe, which served as a preliminary visual representation of the application's layout and user interaction pathways. This step allowed me to delineate the workflow and precisely outline the elements that users would engage with during their interaction with the application.
The creation of this wireframe essentially provided the skeletal structure and fundamental framework for how my app would ultimately appear and operate. By establishing this foundational structure, I gained a comprehensive comprehension of the application's overall functionality and how various components would interconnect and operate in tandem.
This wireframe acted as a guiding blueprint, facilitating a clear understanding of the user experience, the sequence of actions, and the navigation paths that users would traverse while using the application. In essence, this phase laid the groundwork for informed decision-making during subsequent stages of design and development, ensuring a more coherent and user-centric end product.

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