Hello welcome to my progress working with XD adobe. 
Hello my fellow viewer, I have started my web wireframe exercise for this amazing made up and illustrated furniture company Maynooth. It is an exercise I am being part of through an online exercise I was so excited to be part of.  
I have first done a persona study of 5 people and with all personalities I have then began my process of designing the web layout to this furniture company. With much research this whole process has made it very rewarding. Understanding the clients, our buyers is what we where I leave off and start from in every project. 
One persona:
Name: Ashely Littles
Who: The busy mom who lives in the city of San Francisco and commutes taking the public bus. 
Age: 35 years old
Occupation: 3rd Grade teacher
Ashely is 6 months pregnant and will need to purchase new furniture for her babies arrival. Along with her babies arrival she and her partner need to make more room in their 2 bedroom apartment. She doesn't have much time to go to the store and look at the furniture and would like to get as much detail for the furniture she will be purchasing. 
I love using Pinterest, It is always ahead of its time. 
I like to search for inspiration for upcoming project I have. I worked with two mood board colors schemes. But the lay out I used was a combination of all of the examples I found out through using Pinterest. 
It is known that we have a lazy eye and too much information can be overwhelming. The time we want to spend on purchasing can be on the way home from work to siting down in a public place. Most people were found that to make a big purchase took place at home at their desktop. But their search often took place in public setting. 
IOS Renderings
With the color scheme I love the colors of Ikea, it was my inspiration. But I also did a lot of research on other furniture stores in the United States to help me with the layout. For purchasing furniture from home. It is important to provide with as many images as possible, the information is crucial as well but to the eye of a person who is on their way home from work taking a bus or Uber ride they don't have much time to read so much. A buyer prefers to do that part at home when they have finalize their options. 

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